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SALTO - ProAccess SPACE Software - Basic module - SPABASIC
Web-based access management software for up to 4 million users and 65,000 doors, locker administration.
Delivery Time 1-2 weeks

SALTO - ProAccess SPACE Software - Online module - SPAONLINE
Web-based access management software such as SPABASIC, including lockdown, anti-passback, event stream, automatic key assignment, people search, limited occupancy.
Delivery Time 1-2 weeks

SALTO - ProAccess SPACE Software - ID-System module - SPAIDSYS
Web-based access management software such as SPAONLINE, including ID card creation and visitor management.
Delivery Time 1-2 weeks

SALTO - ProAccess SPACE Software - Partition module - SPAPART
Web-based access management software such as SPAIDSYS, including client functions (partitions).
Delivery Time 2-3 weeks

SALTO - ProAccess SPACE Software - 90 days Trail module - SPATRIAL
Web-based access management software with all functions for a 90-day trial period.
Delivery Time 1-2 weeks

SALTO - ProAccess SPACE Software - Demo module - SPADEMO
Web-based access management software with all functions for 20 users and 20 doors.
Delivery Time 1-2 weeks